Ružinov Polyclinic

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Parking lots

Parking lot Ružinov Polyclinic, Bratislava

The parking lot Ružinov Polyclinic is a fully automated parking lot used mainly by patients and employees of the Ružinov Polyclinic. It provides high-quality parking services for convenient and safe parking 24 hours a day. The parking lot is under constant surveillance of the camera system and lighted at night.
Parking lot Ružinov Polyclinic
Ružinovská 10
Bratislava 821 02

Operating hours:
Monday – Sunday
from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm

Capacity: 89 spaces

Short-term parking
Picking up/bringing patients – maximum 10 minutes free
Every 60 minutes or part thereof 1,50€
Maximum parking fee for 24 hours 10€
Night parking (6 p.m. – 6 a.m.) / entry 1,50€
Weekend parking (6 a.m. – 6 p.m.) / entry 1.50€
All prices include VAT
Long-term parking
Night and weekend (working days from 2 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., weekend) / month 30€
All prices include VAT

Parking rules >>
Request for a parking card for supply lorries >>
Request for a parking card for severely disabled persons >>

Online booking